We create business solutions that work

Our belief

We trust in the power of innovation and are committed to delivering high-quality solutions. We believe that the go-to-market time for new business applications can be significantly shorter and that this process can be much more efficient.We deliver future-proof business solutions that work.

Our cases

  • All cases
  • Financial services
  • Public Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Software
  • Other

Our team

Friso Nijboer

Principal Technical Business Engineer

Friso Nijboer

Principal Technical Business Engineer

After graduating in Computer Science at the university in Nijmegen, I decided to take a total other direction. Becoming grandmaster, playing in World Cups from Khanty Mansiysk to Las Vegas. Participating many times for the Dutch Olympic team and becoming European champion with them. In 2012 I thought it was a smart move to join Finaps, where I now am happily working for 10 years. It is nice to have a lot of different projects, with a totally different scope and set of problems as well as having colleagues who are all rather unique.

Rochus Meijer

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

Rochus Meijer

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

IT has always interested me. I have Bachelor’s degree in Media Studies and a Master’s degree in Information Studies, both of which I’ve acquired at the University of Amsterdam. During this period I became interested in Usability and Human Computer Interaction, which makes me more of a “Social Application Developer”. I joined Finaps early 2012 and since then I’ve worked on a number of different projects for different clients. The professional, yet relaxing atmosphere triggers me to get the most out of myself and my coworkers. I like to create challenging, user friendly applications that serve our client’s needs both functionally and visually.

This could be you

Jeroen Kesteloo

Senior Software Engineer

Jeroen Kesteloo

Senior Software Engineer

Software allows us to make meaningful changes to existing processes. Being able to help organizations by developing new apps and kickstarting their IT landscape is what makes it so much fun for so many years. I get challenged on a daily basis by our complex client projects. But when working with smart and capable people, every complex challenge is possible and fun.

Simon Martyr

Principal Software Engineer

Simon Martyr

Principal Software Engineer

After finishing my degree in Computer Science as well as an internship at Nokia Siemens Networks within the UK, I looked to challenge myself in more ways than one. So in the summer of 2013 I moved to the Nederlands to be a part of Finaps. Finaps allows me to combine my knowledge of web technologies and programming within a fun and dynamic environment. Alongside other interesting colleagues who share common interests and are willing to help each other develop, each project and opportunity is a fun challenge that I enjoy being a part of.

Andrew Hagens

Chief Technology Officer

Andrew Hagens

Chief Technology Officer

“You can only connect the dots looking backwards, not forward”. This saying has permeated my life in very unexpected ways. I arrived in Europe in 2006 with the intention of becoming a Formula 1 car designer. Many dots later, and I now work as a software engineer at Finaps. It was my interests in system design and engineering that sparked my interest in computational systems. So, I can clearly state that I never saw these dots looking forward but understand them now looking backwards.

Ron Stoop

Senior Business Engineer

Ron Stoop

Senior Business Engineer

Ever since high school I was interested in solving (logistical) business problems and searching for the most optimal solution. The choice to go study Econometrics and Operations Research, wasn’t therefore a hard one. I work for Finaps since May 2015 and knew quickly that I am at the right company to deploy my interests and skills. Every client is different and deserves an app that fully meets their expectations. This requires a great empathy with the client and a lot of flexibility from me and my colleagues. I like to face this challenge!

Thomas Poiesz

Solution Architect / Team Lead

Thomas Poiesz

Solution Architect / Team Lead

At Finaps, I never feel bad about having to go to work. I am constantly challenged to learn and improve, both technically and professionally. The most important thing though, is that I can work with a team of people who share an interest in finding the best solutions for the problems we encounter and are great to hang out with. Never a boring day at the office!

Kevin Pennekamp

Principal Software Engineer / Team Lead

Kevin Pennekamp

Principal Software Engineer / Team Lead

As a Software Engineer at Finaps I create business solutions from start to finish in a joyful environment. I strife to deliver business solutions that go beyond the wishes and expectations of the customer. By really understanding the problems of our customers, we can come up with new and innovative solutions. With the can-do mentality at Finaps I am positive we are able to deliver the highest quality business solution for any customer.

Tim Pijl

Principal Data Analytics Engineer / Team Lead

Tim Pijl

Principal Data Analytics Engineer / Team Lead

Studying Econometrics, I never thought I would end up at a software company. I joined Finaps in september 2017 and I have enjoyed every day since. I love to solve technical challenges where my knowledge and creativity are tested every day. Collaborating in small teams with different personalities and backgrounds is what drives me to create great software. My main focus is on developing applications that are highly data driven. These applications enable people to make better (business) decisions. Given not only one’s expert knowledge, but all the information that is available in the data, one should be able to improve their decision-making process.

Wouter de Haan

Senior Software Engineer

Wouter de Haan

Senior Software Engineer

As an intern and having worked part-time at Finaps for over three years, I had the opportunity and privilege to learn what it means to be a good developer. Without much experience to start out with, I’ve tried to learn as much as possible from the great people around me. But this knowledge needs to be put into action for it to mean anything. So, I’m very pleased that in my new role as Software Engineer I can put this into practice and learn even more!

Bram van der Linden

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

Bram van der Linden

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

During my studies Industrial Engineering, I developed skills and knowledge in both process thinking and business modelling. Here, I quickly discovered an interest in courses that let us build our own applications to solve business problems. As a Business Engineer at Finaps, I get to create business solutions from start to finish in close collaboration with our clients. This allows me to get a thorough understanding of the core processes and needs. The agile way of working at Finaps also provides a very dynamic and joyful working atmosphere. It is great to work in such an inspiring and creative environment.

Tom Renkema

Senior Software Engineer

Tom Renkema

Senior Software Engineer

Growing up, I’ve always had an interest in a broad range of subjects. This led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and a master’s degree in Human-Machine Communication at the University of Groningen. During these degrees, I loved learning about very varied topics ranging from cognitive psychology to machine learning. It was fascinating to witness the rapid growth of artificial intelligence techniques to the large role that they play today. From the start, I noticed the great atmosphere at Finaps and that hasn’t changed since. Collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds makes working here a great experience.

Martina van Slooten

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

Martina van Slooten

Principal Business Engineer / Team Lead

During my study in Psychology I have been interested in the combination of human behaviour and technology. I find it interesting to see that technology can help us find regularities in human behaviour, from which we can better understand and even predict behaviour. As a Business Engineer at Finaps I have the possibility to further develop my technical skills in an energetic and motivated environment. The small agile teams help to develop these skills, because I can work on a project from beginning to end. I am very pleased to be working in such a friendly and inspiring company.

Huan Yang

Principal UX Designer / Team Lead

Huan Yang

Principal UX Designer / Team Lead

My mission in Finaps is to come up with simple and user-friendly digital solution so that the client’s complex problem can be successfully solved. My speciality is to identify the user needs and wants by means of usability tests, interviews, focus groups and generative sessions and translate those insights to the best possible digital solutions. I’m a result driven person, like taking challenges at work and meeting new people. Knowing my design can help the clients and users is my biggest joy.

Conor Corey

Senior Business Engineer

Conor Corey

Senior Business Engineer

Every day our lives become more convenient as technology becomes more advanced, but we also become more and more dependent on these technologies. I found it frustrating that I did not know how anything really worked. So I decided to do something about it, and turned this frustration into curiosity by enrolling in an intensive full stack web development course. Now I have the opportunity to begin building an amazing new career with Finaps, where I will be able to further develop my skills. There is always time to learn how to do something new.

Robert Jones

Senior Software Engineer

Robert Jones

Senior Software Engineer

While studying for my Master’s degree in Statistics in University College Dublin, I was always amazed at what we can discover using a little bit of ingenuity. Developing solutions for their client’s needs with a creative and collaborative approach, Finaps’ philosophy of achieving ambitious goals really appealed to me. Their large collection of successful projects have had a definite and beneficial effect on a diverse range of people and organisations. It is my hope that I can play an important role on the next steps of their already impressive journey.

Sander Meester

Senior Software Engineer

Sander Meester

Senior Software Engineer

Even though I was interested in a wide array of fields, programming and solving problems is what I enjoyed the most. Finaps struck me as the place where I could expand my technical skills, and simultaneously grow as a person. Each project we strive to achieve the best possible result, while having a great time solving challenges together. Each member of the team has valuable knowledge in their field of expertise and is fun to work with, making for a great environment! I aim to keep improving myself through all the cool projects.

Wouter Hoogland

Senior Business Engineer

Wouter Hoogland

Senior Business Engineer

My mentor at university believed that I must have hated myself. I always choose the most challenging projects in the most diverse fields of research. This has made me the allrounder I am today. Moreover, during the process, I’ve developed a passion for information analysis. Using logic to create understanding from complex matters is what appeared to make me happy. This skill is essential for both recognising customers’ business requirements and constructing suitable (IT-) solutions to fit these requirements. I am looking forward to developing and deploying my skills at Finaps and to start working with the team on challenging projects.

Billy van Vliet

Senior Marketing & Communications Officer

Billy van Vliet

Senior Marketing & Communications Officer

I have been in marketing for several years now. What do I like about Marketing? The funnels and the storytelling. From the Awareness phase to the Advocacy phase. A good funnel only works when the content is authentic and unique. It has to be Inbound. Helping instead of selling. Great storytelling is what it’s all about nowadays. Creating the wow factor followed by proof and showing that you really know what you are talking about. I like writing but I also enjoy producing videos.

Lieke Kollen

Senior Business Engineer

Lieke Kollen

Senior Business Engineer

What I loved about my study Behavioural Economics is that it taught me to always challenge the existing beliefs. As a business engineer, I get to put this into practice every day by using ever evolving technology to create smart and lasting solutions for complex matters. Being able to bridge the gap between business and technology in Finaps’ entrepreneurial and spirited environment can only mean that the best is yet to come!

Lenard Koomen

Senior Data Analytics Engineer

Lenard Koomen

Senior Data Analytics Engineer

While studying Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft, I became passionate about simulation, data analytics, machine learning, and to tie it all together: programming. After doing an internship and finishing my Master’s degree while working at a small data analytics company, I started looking for a larger company with more collective experience. At Finaps I enjoy applying my data analytics skills to provide valuable insights, while developing myself into a better software engineer and working in a tight-knit team.

Roger Willemsen

Software Engineer

Roger Willemsen

Software Engineer

I have always been interested in technical innovation. This is why I chose to study Aerospace Engineering, a field where solutions need to be highly integrated and be of high quality. During my studies I also gained experience in writing complex scientific programs. After my studies I decided to join Finaps, where I could continue to work on challenging technical projects. At Finaps I can combine my knowledge about technical integration with my interest in programming. I am happy to have found this diverse team of like-minded and inspiring people to work on exciting projects.

Ilyas el Ouannani

Sales & Marketing Manager / Team Lead

Ilyas el Ouannani

Sales & Marketing Manager / Team Lead

I have always had an interest in marketing and sales. I especially enjoy conveying complicated matters to customers. After my commercial economics studies, I decided to pursue a career in an ever-growing sector: IT. My specialties are designing and implementing marketing and sales campaigns where conversion is key. I really like working at Finaps because of the nice working atmosphere.

Luna Blumberg

Business Engineer

Luna Blumberg

Business Engineer

During my bachelor’s Psychobiology I learned how complex systems can arise from very simple processes. I developed an interest in programming, because I could use this way of logical thinking and put it to practice by creating elegant and smart applications. As a business engineer at Finaps, I love that I can combine my creative and technical skills to create solutions that satisfy both the client and me, while also being in a diverse and enthusiastic environment!

Brian Loeffen

Business Engineer

Brian Loeffen

Business Engineer

During my bachelor’s degree in Sport, Management and Entrepreneurship I really enjoyed working together in a team to organize (sport)events. Creating something together with a client to realize his expectations on the event day really gave me a lot of energy. While pursuing my bachelor’s in Business Analytics and my master’s in Econometrics I discovered the world of IT. The endless possibilities there are with the different programming languages do really interest me. The opportunity to continue learning in IT gives me new energy to grow every day. As a business engineer at Finaps I get the best of both worlds. Working with a team to develop IT solutions and being able to work closely with the client to fulfill there wishes is what I like most!

Nikola Sokol

Business Engineer

Nikola Sokol

Business Engineer

“Perfection is not one big thing done perfectly, but many little things done well.” Thanks to my organizational skills, a strongly developed people knowledge and an enormous amount of creativity, I have been able to create and deliver satisfying experiences over the course of my career. By combining the set of my personal skills with my Bachelor in IT, my goal is to bring business, end-users and technology closer together in order to create more satisfying experiences aimed at the future. As a Business Engineer at Finaps, I have the opportunity to do so in an amazingly driven and friendly environment that looks at the future of innovation today.

Andile Whitehead

Software Engineer

Andile Whitehead

Software Engineer

Having a physics background, I have never failed to be impressed by the feats that the human mind, employing both logic and imagination, is able to achieve. Working as a software engineer allows me to constantly exercise both my logic and imagination in designing custom software solutions within a culture that promotes learning, experimentation and collaboration. Finaps is truly a melting pot of backgrounds and ideas and I consider it a privilege that I get to work and socialise with such a diverse and vibrant group of individuals.

Olivier den Hartog

Business Engineer

Olivier den Hartog

Business Engineer

IT in combination with optimization and business have always been interesting to me because I really like to solve problems and be as efficient as possible. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business IT & Management and after graduating I developed the urge to work with social people in an informal setting. This led me to Finaps, where I have many great colleagues who share my goal to deliver the best quality possible and where new challenges arise every day. Being able to work on projects in multidisciplinary teams really contributes to going to work with a smile.

Karen Stewart

Software Engineer

Karen Stewart

Software Engineer

Before joining Finaps I worked as a lawyer. One of my tasks was to help create an app for our legal team. I was paired with a developer who introduced me to the fascinating world of programming. From there I started taking courses, building my own projects and I’ve never looked back. It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to take an idea and build it into something useful. Becoming a Software Engineer at Finaps gives me the opportunity to do what I’m passionate about while working on interesting and innovative projects.

Anne Coos Eliasson

Business Engineer

Anne Coos Eliasson

Business Engineer

After pursuing my bachelor in Design of Information Systems in Sweden I moved to Amsterdam for my masters in Information Science. During both my studies I have obtained skills in problem solving and development of information systems. While studying my masters I got an in-depth view on how digitalization affects organizations and the relationship between IT, innovation and sustainability. I really enjoy helping organizations in achieving their strategic goals, by designing and developing modern applications that are flexible to the goals and needs of the organization. At Finaps I have the possibility to use my creativity while developing and to work closely together with people from different backgrounds who all have different perspectives and inputs on how problems can be solved.

Hillary Isenia Bustamante

Business Engineer

Hillary Isenia Bustamante

Business Engineer

In 2017 I moved to the Netherlands to complete my studies. During my bachelor’s in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management and master’s in Engineering and Policy Analysis at TU Delft, I became increasingly interested in using technology to help public and private enterprises optimize and/or analyze their complex challenges. I’m delighted that Finaps gives me the opportunity to keep developing my abilities to transform this passion of mine into innovative software solutions for these enterprises, alongside intelligent people from various backgrounds who are always willing to lend a hand.

Emre Özcan

Business Engineer

Emre Özcan

Business Engineer

During my master’s in Digital Business and Innovation, I acquired the knowledge of how important it is for companies to innovate (digitally) in order to survive in this ever-changing world where technology is developing at a rapid pace and impacting every industry. I became increasingly interested in the whole process of digital innovation and I really wanted to take part in this process and lend companies a helping hand so that they can stay future proof. I’m very pleased that as a Business Engineer at Finaps I can offer my contribution by developing innovative web and mobile applications, and fill the gap between business and IT.

Nick Kooistra

Marketing & Communication Officer

Nick Kooistra

Marketing & Communication Officer

From the moment I started my International Marketing Management studies I knew it was a direct hit. This was definitely going to be my future. What I like most about marketing is the psychology aspect of it, consumer behavior has therefore always been one of my favorite subjects. My strengths mainly lie within strategic thinking but I also get great joy from content creation. Working at Finaps has already been a great experience. From the moment I walked in I was immediately treated as a valued member, which makes you want to work even harder!

Babs Barnhoorn

Software Engineer

Babs Barnhoorn

Software Engineer

During my time as an athlete in de Dutch snowboard team, I found myself with quite a lot of free time in the off-season. To pass the time, and to keep expanding my knowledge I started a course in web development. I found that I really enjoyed the process of writing and creating with code. After my career ended due to injuries, I started studying Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit. During which I’ve learned many valuable skills, such as working in teams, and came in contact with a big variety of digital concepts.

Dylan Formella

Process Engineer

Dylan Formella

Process Engineer

I have always been interested in computers and programming, I like to think outside the box. During my Cyber Security study at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam I learned a lot about different subjects within this field. Information security was the one that peaked my interest the most . I decided that I wanted to pursue this further. I enjoy looking for the best solutions and ways to improve. Keeping Finaps safe and compliant will be my mission.

Zoey Hulzebos

Business Engineer

Zoey Hulzebos

Business Engineer

Finding out what my career path would become has taken some time. While the construction building and architecture sector has interested me, I soon realized that completing one production cycle takes quite some time. During my Industrial Engineering and Business Informatics studies, my focus shifted to information systems. I realized that IT facilitates intensively in creating efficiency and providing productivity, two of my preferred concepts. Besides that, working at Finaps also fulfils my wish to work at a dynamic company with a close group of colleagues.

Hajar el Mounaouir

Data Analytics Engineer

Hajar el Mounaouir

Data Analytics Engineer

“During my bachelor’s in Econometrics, I got introduced to a variety of courses and some of my favourites were the programming and data related courses. Especially because it was something completely new, which made it exciting and proposed a good challenge. During my studies, I discovered that I really enjoyed coding and developed a passion for programming. Hence, why I didn’t hesitate to study Data Science for my master’s. After graduating I came in contact with Finaps, and now I’m working at the company as a Data Analytics Engineer. I get to learn so many new things and more importantly I’m doing what I love most; programming.”

Evangelos Markoulakis

Software Engineer

Evangelos Markoulakis

Software Engineer

When I started studying Physics, I quickly realised my passion for Software Engineering and made a U-Turn in my studies. In 2023 I decided to come to The Netherlands and join Finaps. I am a team player, ambitious, passionate, outgoing, eager to learn and provide the best solutions with high standards. Behind the facade, I am a spiritual, exciting, funny, honest, humble person that loves deep conversations and looking with the eyes of the heart.

Ruben Curiël

Business Engineer

Ruben Curiël

Business Engineer

During my bachelors I fell in love with developing because I was able to solve problems I had in my day to day life. Automating the task I didn’t really like to do gave me a feeling of satisfaction and saved me a lot time. By doing this I created a lot more room to pursue all the other hobby’s I have. Creating these tools made me realize I really like the process of creating and that’s the reason I decided to join Finaps as a Business Engineer.

Thom Hopstaken

Business Engineer

Thom Hopstaken

Business Engineer

While studying History I learned to identify useful information from large, often complex narratives. We humans love our stories and understanding what’s essential information is of vital importance for the succes of a project. This, combined with a personal drive to optimize everything I do, made Finaps the ideal place to work for me. Here at Finaps, I’m allowed to put these skills to use while focusing on practical, efficient and user friendly solutions for modern problems.

Merel van Geffen

Business Engineer

Merel van Geffen

Business Engineer

After being a Study Adviser at the University of Amsterdam for over 7 years ,it was time for a change. I love solving puzzles, learning new software skills and after finishing a Python programming course I knew I wanted to follow this path further. Finding a good software solution when facing a challenging issue is something I really enjoy. At Finaps I’m surrounded by very driven, passionate colleagues and I have the opportunity to expand my skill set and build great solutions for our customers.

Sebastiaan Hendriks

Business Development Representative

Sebastiaan Hendriks

Business Development Representative

I’m an experienced sales professional with a background in communication and media studies. My passion lies in connecting with people and cultivating opportunities. Joining the Finaps team is an exciting prospect for me as I’m committed to making a positive impact through my love for interaction and sales. Over the coming years, I envision us embarking on exciting adventures, exploring new opportunities, and building lasting connections. My enthusiasm for sales and my strong communication skills are assets I’m eager to bring to our collective success at Finaps.

Melvin Tran

Data Analytics Engineer

Melvin Tran

Data Analytics Engineer

My academic background in Business Analytics provided me with a strong foundation in data science, mathematics, and probability. My prior internship experience served as a practical introduction to the realities of the professional world, which proved to be a stark contrast to the academic setting. Now, as a member of the Finaps Analytics team, I have the privilege of working with talented professionals every day, exploring my passion for data analytics. It’s the perfect match!

Joey Bannenberg

Principal Business Engineer

Joey Bannenberg

Principal Business Engineer

Solving puzzles has been a hobby of mine since I was a kid. During my studies Mathematical Engineering in Tilburg this only grew more and more, even though the puzzles became more complex. I just could not solve it alone anymore. I needed IT and other people. Both of these I have found at Finaps. The atmosphere and the people are both professional and relaxed, and the work that is being delivered using IT is inspiring and provides a great challenge. Initially I was very much into data analysis and statistics, but Mendix has triggered my love for application development. As a Principal Business Engineer I get to work on developing challenging applications together with a fun and intelligent team for interesting customers. Each day is a great new puzzle to solve.

Patrick Peereboom

Business Engineer

Patrick Peereboom

Business Engineer

During my bachelor Business Administration, I discovered that I have an interest in new technologies. I went on to pursue my master’s in digital business and Innovation where I learned how digital technologies can help businesses to create value. Here, as a Business Engineer at Finaps, I’m doing just that. By creating clever solutions with a team, I can help organizations become more automated and efficient which really drives me in my work. Finaps, with its vibrant team, challenging projects, and stimulating work environment, proved to be the perfect fit for me.

Anne Wilbrink

Business Engineer

Anne Wilbrink

Business Engineer

During my Bachelor International Business Administration, I discovered my interest in technology and the positive impact it can have on people. Therefore, I chose to continue my academic career with a Master in Digital Business and Innovation. During my Master, I learned about the transformative power of digital technologies and about the role I could personally play in this journey. I became especially interested in low-code software development and how it would allow me to create value for a business, while hands-on solving complex problems in a creative manner. I am a Business Engineer, which allows me to use my skills to build these creative solutions for clients. Combined with the professional atmosphere and driven colleagues, Finaps inspires me to keep innovating!

Tim Niemarkt

Data Analytics Engineer

Tim Niemarkt

Data Analytics Engineer

During my Bachelor’s and Master’s in Econometrics, I really enjoyed the courses that pushed me to solve tricky problems with machine learning code. That’s when I discovered my love for programming. This passion made me realize I like creating efficient code and learning new things about data every day. Upon completing my academic journey, I joined the team at Finaps and I’ve enjoyed working in the software business ever since.

Sohrab Moini

Business Development Representative

Sohrab Moini

Business Development Representative

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by the art of sales, understanding how to influence people and foster meaningful customer interactions. As a Business Development Representative (BDR) at Finaps, I am driven by the fulfillment of providing solutions that empower individuals to achieve their fullest potential. Harnessing my passion for sales and customer engagement, I thrive on connecting with clients and guiding them towards innovative solutions tailored to their needs. At Finaps, I am dedicated to cultivating relationships built on trust, integrity, and a genuine desire to see our clients succeed. Every interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact, and I am committed to ensuring that each client receives the support and solutions necessary to unlock their full potential. As a BDR, I am here to listen, understand, and deliver exceptional service that drives mutual growth and success.

Jesse Silva

UX Designer

Jesse Silva

UX Designer

During my Bachelor’s in Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD), I discovered my passion for UX Design. However, I also enjoy exploring other fields and seeing how the world of UX connects to them. Through my studies, I explored subjects such as Information Security, developed basic coding skills, and pursued the master Data-driven Design. For the future, Finaps’ innovative approach to business applications seems like the perfect place for me to continue developing my skills.

Sander Kruit

Business Engineer

Sander Kruit

Business Engineer

With a background working in both Cybersecurity and UX design, I’ve always enjoyed understanding user needs and ensuring secure digital experiences. Over time, I realised my passion extended to the challenge of building applications that help organisations optimise quickly—thinking not just about the front-end and back-end, but also the broader business implications. Finaps is the perfect place for this, offering the chance to work across the entire spectrum, alongside skilled and motivated colleagues who make every project a learning experience. After work, you’ll find me making music or beating my colleagues at table tennis!

Jean Craythorne

Business Engineer

Jean Craythorne

Business Engineer

After completing my Bachelor’s and Honours degrees in Logistics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, I pursued my Master’s in Transport and Supply Chain Management at Vrije Universiteit in the Netherlands. Throughout my academic journey, I developed the skills necessary to tackle complex challenges and make data-driven decisions. I became particularly interested in leveraging technology to help organizations optimize their operations and solve intricate problems. At Finaps, I have the opportunity to enhance my software skills while collaborating with a diverse team of professionals from various academic backgrounds.

Marlies van Sonsbeek

Managing Partner

Marlies van Sonsbeek

Managing Partner

I have a background in IT, Business Operations and Change Management with over 30 years’ experience in management within the financial services and IT sector. My passion is making people perform. Making our clients perform IT value for their business, making our staff perform extraordinary solutions. My strong belief is performance is only driven by passionated people that like each other sincerely. With Finaps I believe we make the difference in the various domains that we are active. Our broad IT and business experience, innovative and flexible mindset and great technology enables us to deliver what our clients are looking for: future-proof business solutions that work.

Lonneke Makhija

Managing Partner

Lonneke Makhija

Managing Partner

I started my career in banking, in 2010 the Industry had changed drastically and I believed there was room for new opportunities within. This resulted in the start-up of Finaps in 2010. As founder and managing partner I am involved in setting out Finaps strategy and identifying new opportunities. At Finaps we like to get things done. Of course, there are challenges every day as in most of companies but all of us will work hard to overcome them together. If we succeed, we celebrate and if we fail, we step back and look at the reasons and start again.

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