Customer Impact Award 2021 at Mendix World:
Rabobank IDB and Finaps win Customer Experience Award.
This year Mendix World took place again! A digital event with visitors from all over the world. Several cool sessions; a keynote of the CTO, an update of the newest Mendix functionalities and of course the Q & A with the winners of the Customer Impact Awards. Guess what! We were one of the winners.

Date: 09-2021
On Tuesday Mendix World started and it was announced that Finaps was one of the lucky winners. The customer experience award was ours. Together with Rabobank IDB we have been working on various digitalization and process optimization projects for the past few years. The cream of the crop was the Mobile Application. And it was this last project that was rewarded with the Award!

Watch replay Q & A session with award winners
The contenders for this year’s Customer Impact Awards included anything from technologies that improve the home buying and selling experience in the world’s most competitive housing market to translating crucial COVID-19 restrictions and updates into over 18 languages for European travellers. The contenders for this year’s Customer Impact Awards included anything from technologies that improve the home buying and selling experience in the world’s most competitive housing market to translating crucial COVID-19 restrictions and updates into over 18 languages for European travellers

Our Solution
We launched the mobile banking app alongside their web portal in collaboration with Rabobank and Mendix. Rabobank IDB customers can use the mobile banking app to do their banking on the go. It contains features such as fingerprint or face recognition for signing transactions, a PIN code instead of a hardware token for faster login, and the ability for customers to customize their bank account. Delivering the mobile app was a fantastic opportunity to improve the user experience for existing banking features while also laying the groundwork for future functionality.