More than ever it is
important to handle information securely
We have received our ISO 27001 re-certification that helps us to be in control of information security risks.

Date: 04-2020
We are very proud to announce that we have received the full ISO 27001 certification. It means that Finaps has an adequate management system in place to ensure information security for our own organisation as well as for the applications we build for our clients.
We as Finaps find it very important to keep our clients’ data secure. This is one of the basic requirements of every application, though difficult to control without proper implemented policies and measures. The ISO 27001-standard, therefore, helps us to be in control of information security risks.
This year our first implementation cycle ended and therefore we were not only audited on the operations side of the management system, but the whole management system got audited on both documentation as procedural level. The audit did not reveal any shortcomings to the implemented system. We received useful recommendations which we will implement. Combined with input from internal audits we do through our organisation, we keep ahead of information security developments and continuously keep improving information security of Finaps and our clients.
With the current corona-crisis more than ever it is important to handle information securely. Worldwide, people are working from home in almost every sector. This introduces information security risks that should be handled adequately. Therefore, we find it important to have internal discussions about data security and to create awareness within the Finaps organisation.
We believe that every company should be ready for the new reality of working remotely and to be able to handle both the client and their own information in a secure way. We are proud to be one of the companies that are ready for this way of working. We are happy to assist and work together with companies who want to improve their knowledge and optimise their systems to become more secure.
Two of our engineers, Jelle Leermakers and Richard Chou (Meet Our Team) gave an interview to the SCOPE magazine of Industria, the study association for Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Eindhoven, about risk & crisis management. Interested? You can find the full interview here (pages 6-8).

Jelle Leermakers
Senior Business Engineer / Team Lead
Richard Chou
Process Engineer