Currently, there is much concern about the usefulness of a Corona-app and how it impacts our privacy. However, that doesn’t stop developers from building the app, and rightfully so – it’s important to tackle the virus.
Date: 04-2020
We as Finaps think that there are three features that the Dutch minister De Jonge of Public Health has to consider to successfully tackle Corona virus with an app.
1. Platform with Privacy Protecting Data Safe
It is important that the app collects a minimum amount data, stores as little as necessary and that it does not share personal information with others. This can be realised by the capabilities of a private data safe. Data needs to be collected and examples of measurements that can be collected include – but are not limited to:
- Proximity analysis by examining communication signals between phones;
- Stay at home by analysing how often you connect to your own WiFi network;
- Risk analysis by an area score and not your individual location data.
Within the platform each user should get a personal data safe on which the app runs as a service. This ensures that personal information is protected.
The app user chooses what information will be shared with whom (anonymously of course) and which apps connect to this personal data safe.
2. Game engine of scoring points to change behaviour
Integrating a gamification element in the app changes the behaviour of the users to take higher personal responsibility for the Corona virus. This can be achieved with a scoring game; by obtaining points (alone or with a group), the user is motivated to behave responsibly. Examples of how to do this include:
- Staying at home;
- Not getting too close to other people;
- Answering knowledge questions;
- Distributing the app;
3. Target group oriented to make the app go viral
Crucial initiatives in the app, such as privacy protection and traceability can be connected with fun and games. This way, we use the power of the community which makes the app go viral. In the end, with or without an app, we can only tackle this virus if we do it together.