Best Data Driven Solution
Dutch Hacking Health 2018

Last weekend, Finaps participated in the Dutch Hacking Health at UMC Utrecht and won. The judges ranked the app that we developed in just 28 hours of hacking as the best data-driven solution.

Date: 04-2018

Last weekend Finaps participated for the second time in the Dutch Hacking Health at UMC Utrecht. After the success of last year with the Hixalyzer (renamed to MedicMiner) and Medicine Assistant app, this year again the app, developed within only 28 hours of hacking, was ranked first by the jury as best data driven solution.

The event was great fun with a very positive atmosphere and 25 teams participating in the hackathon all creating their own solution to daily problems or challenges within UMC Utrecht and healthcare in general. Supported by great catering and a professional organisation, all teams managed to pitch a useful solution at the end of the weekend.

With a team from Finaps, UMC Utrecht and additional help to complete the team, a mobile application was created in which a patient can see its health status.


Real-time measurement data is combined and represented in an intuitive and understandable way, incorporating additional data analytics to predict the future state and discharge date of the patient.

A patient can see the preliminary discharge date with an overview of his different organs – displayed in red, orange or green – indicating the health status at that moment. By clicking an organ, more details are shown on the underlying measurements scoring the health status of the organ. This page also includes predictive analytics showing the estimated health state of the organ in the future. With the advices available through the app, the patient himself can positively influence his recovery for the vital functions at risk.

Image to go with the aricle
Image to go with the aricle
Image to go with the aricle

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